Tonight Live: Can We Save The Net!

Jeff Gerhardt writes “Tonight Live: Can We Save The Net! >> on The Linux Show!!

Tonight: On The Linux Show!!
Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 from Chicago IL

Tonight on

Kevin Hill, Arne Flones, Doc Searls, Russ Pavlicek AND Jeff Gerhardt are bringing you
a great show tonight ready to go!!!!!!

ALL News Tonight. We will cover THE HOT NEWS of the
week including: The future of Open Office, Sun True Colors, the DeskTop Linux Summit,
a clueless pundit or two…….. and way more.

Story Links

Segment Two- Political Action– Can Geeks Get Motivated?

It this year of political controvesy leading up to the national election, we have to opportunity to accomplish
some good works. But will we?

If you are in a band or represent an artist, please contact
us ASAP to be added to our play list.

Please join us on the show, and check our IRC Chat
( #linuxshow).

Catch the Linux show at



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