Tonight Live: Doc Searls at JabberCon


Author: JT Smith

Jeff Gerhardt writes, “Tonight Live: Doc Searls at JabberCon, PLUS The Fat Lady, Part
IV (Can we say we told you so)

Tuesday, August 21st, 2001
from the home of Wayne’s World, Aurora IL
Tonight LIVE on

At 6pm pt, 7pm mt, 8pm ct, and 9pm et…. Kevin Hill, Jeff Gerhardt, PJ
Hyett, Doc Searls(Linux Journal), and Arne Flones have another great show
lined up tonight on The Linux Show!!

In Segment One – Hot News: We will be covering the hot Linux news of
the last few weeks. In particular, we will talk about all the renewed
interest in Linux on the Desktop, and how the linux community keeps its own
house clean.

In Segments Two- JabberCON Live from the Conference.
Doc Searls will be calling in live from the floor of JabberCon 2001, a conference dedicated to a growing community of individuals and companies who have based their products or services on Jabber. Jabbercon 2001 is taking place at the beautiful Keystone Resort located high in the Rocky Mountains. If you are within 500 miles, this is your opportunity to better understand Jabber, its open source offerings, the companies using it and the commercial and open source projects developing new solutions, applications and interoperability with this limitless platform for real time
communication and presence management.

In Segments Three- “Microsoft, Linux and the Fat Lady PART TWO”- or
Contrary to many opinions, Linux is far from over and Microsoft still has a very very long road ahead

This is PART FOUR of a segment that will carry over the next several weeks.

This week we will focus on the aftermath of the Federal Court moving forward into a new penalty stage for the MS anti-trust suit. Can we say we told you so yet?

Other opinions are welcome at GeekCast. If you would like to join us
on the show, check our IRC Chat( #linuxshow).

Remember tune in at 6pm pt, 7pm mt, 8pm ct, and 9pm et.
Catch the Linux show at