A Tour of the Kubernetes Source Code Part One: From kubectl to API Server


Kubernetes continues to experience explosive growth and software developers that are able to understand and contribute to the Kubernetes code base are in high demand. Learning the Kubernetes code base is not easy. Kubernetes is written Go which is a fairly new programming language and it has a large amount of source code. In this multi-part series of articles I will dig in and explain key portions of the Kubernetes code base and also explain the techniques I have used to help me understand the code. My goal is to provide a set of articles that will enable software developers new to Kubernetes to more quickly learn the Kubernetes source code. In this first article, I will cover the flow through the code from running a simple kubectl command to sending a REST call to the API Server. Before using this article to dig into the Kubernetes code, I recommend you read an outstanding high level overview of the Kubernetes architecture by Julia Evans.

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