Tux Does Mardi Gras: Share His Video and Win Ticket to LinuxCon/CloudOpen



LinuxCon North tux sugarAmerica and CloudOpen won’t happen until September but the party has already started in New Orleans where the Mardi Gras celebration is in full swing this week and the recent Super Bowl was so hot it literally turned the power out.

With all this action, we thought Tux better go scout out the best landmarks, food, drinks and fun in good ol’ NOLA. And, we’ve just received his video trip report for all to see (including a guilty, powdered-sugar grin).

Share Tux’s travel log (the video below) on Twitter/Identi.ca, Facebook or Google+ using the #linuxcon and #cloudopen hashtags and you could win a free ticket to this year’s events, taking place at the Hyatt New Orleans September 16-18, 2013.

You’ll be entered into a random drawing that will take place on Fat Tuesday, February 12. What better day to celebrate your Big Trip to the Big Easy?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94fnFSUGssI?rel=0″ allowfullscreen=”true” frameborder=”0″ width=”425″ height=”350