Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) Released for Desktop, Server, and Cloud


ubuntu-15-10-wily-werewolfUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) has finally arrived in its stable form, but don’t expect to see too much on the desktop side. This new release of Ubuntu has a lot more changes and features on the cloud and server side of things.

It was already known that Ubuntu 15.10 won’t be a really impressive release for the desktop fans, so it’s not going to be a terrible surprise. The one thing that would definitely be noticed by the Ubuntu users is the new Unity 8, but that’s still not ready for prime time. For now, Unity 7 reigns supreme and Canonical continues to improve it and to keep it up to date. It’s true that most of the changes made to Ubuntu 15.10 are under the hood,…