Ubuntu 9.04 Beta Released

Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition brings faster boot speeds and a new
notification system to your everyday computing experience.

Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition makes it easy to experiment with cloud computing
using Eucalyptus on your own servers, and sports an improved mail server
integration stack based on postfix and dovecot.

The Ubuntu 9.04 family of variants, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, and
Mythbuntu, also reach beta status today.

Desktop features

Faster boot times: improvements to Ubuntu’s start-up process mean you can
spend less time waiting and more time being productive with your Ubuntu

Notification system: notifications, those alerts that signify a change of
status on your system or whether someone is contacting you, have been been
made consistent across applications to provide a pleasing, intuitive
experience for users.

Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta for details.