Ubuntu Desktops Compared


The Ubuntu desktop has evolved a lot over the years. Ubuntu started off with GNOME 2, then moved onto Unity. From there, it came home to its roots with the GNOME 3 desktop. In this article, we’ll look at the Ubuntu desktops and compare them.

Ubuntu official – now with GNOME 3

Ubuntu moving on from Unity was perhaps the best thing for the project. Not only did it free up resources to refocus Ubuntu’s efforts on other elements of the distro. It also brought the distro back to its roots by returning to the GNOME desktop.

One of the first things you’ll notice about the current Ubuntu 17.10 release is that even though the switch was made to GNOME 3, the installation feels about the same. Obliviously there are subtle differences, but overall it’s a very close match to the Unity desktop.

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