Ubuntu NewUserNetwork Offers The Classroom

Rich Johnson writes “The NewUserNetwork, an Ubuntu community team, has created a new project termed The Classroom. The idea behind The Classroom is to gather all of the members of the Ubuntu community in one location to teach the newest Ubuntu users as well as those new to Linux in general everything from the basics all the way up to the more advanced subjects. Topics will include, but are not limited to: “Introduction to IRC” and “Introduction to the Command Line”, all the way up to “Kernel Configuration” and “Advanced Systems Administration”. The classroom is open to everyone; and all are welcome to come and join. The classes will be held on IRC at chat.freenode.net (outside of the U.S.) and chat.us.freenode.net. Make sure you set your ports to 8001 for security purposes, and join #ubuntu-nun and #ubuntu-classroom. More dates and times will be added as demand grows. Please email all comments, suggestions, or questions to the NewUserNetwork Mailing List.”

Link: ubuntu.com