UDS Update

Article Source jonobacon@home
September 14, 2009, 5:56 pm

I just wanted to provide everyone with a quick update on where we are with planning for the Ubuntu Developer Summit.

The twice-annual Ubuntu Developer Summit is the event in which we get together to design, discuss and plan the next version of Ubuntu. It is a critical event in the Ubuntu calendar not only for assessing what we would like put into the next release, but also getting many facets of our community together to bond, share ideas and thoughts and have some valuable face-time for a community so thoroughly distributed.

We are putting the organizational wheels in motion for the next UDS and while some details are still yet to be finalized, I didn’t want this to hold me back giving you an update on where we are. So, let’s cut to the chase:

  • The next UDS will take place from Monday 16 Nov 2009 ‚Äì Friday 20 Nov 2009 in a location that is yet to be confirmed but will certainly be in the USA.
  • This will be the L release and while Mark has picked the name, it has not been announced yet. I will wait for him to get that juicy nugget of information out for you.
  • Each year we (Canonical) provide travel and accommodation assistance for a limited number of community members. Again, I want to remind the many Ubuntu community rock-stars that we can only sponsor some community rock-stars due to limited resources. If you have a lot to offer the next UDS, go and find out details of how to apply here.
  • Details as they emerge will appear on the UDS wiki pages.

More details as I get ‘em!