Unlock Your Inner Badge Appeal During the Tizen App Challenge


Developers, maybe more than any other profession (celebrities being the exception), live and die by their reputation. In the case of app developers, they live and die by the quality of their code and the resulting success of their app.The opportunity to gain visibility and secure a foothold by being one of the first to enter the Tizen market is a big one; in fact, it’s a $4M opportunity. And, if you’re an HTML5 developer, you really should be involved. Tizen is the highest ranked platform for HTML5 on HTML5test.com.

During the Tizen App Challenge there is one way to let people know your reputation and cred is building as you’re building apps for this promising platform: the Tizen App Challenge badges.

If you missed learning about the Tizen App Challenge badges when the contest launched, here is a quick breakdown on what you can unlock to show both your Tizen aptitude and work your way to the grand prize.

Read more at Tizen Developers Blog