This Week in Linux News: Jim Zemlin on Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects, Node v4.0.0 Released, & More!


Node.js logoThis week in Linux news, Jim Zemlin disusses the Linux Foundation’s expanding role in collaborative projects, Node v4.0.0 is released, and more! Get up to speed on the latest Linux news with our picks for the top 5 stories of the week. 

1) Jim Zemlin discusse the Linux Foundation’s expanding role in fostering open source foundations.

Is it Time for the Linux Foundation to be Renamed? [VIDEO]– Datamation

2) 51 years after being introduced, mainframes are still main component of today’s technological landscape.

Half a Century Later Mainframes, Together with Linux, Still Run Much of Today’s Infrastructure– Wall Street Journal’s CIO Report

3) The Linux Foundation will be offering a free Chromebook to anyone who enrolls in their training courses this month.

Linux Foundation Gives Free Chromebooks to Students Who Enroll in Their Training Program– Softpedia

4) SUSE’s open source alliance will not change, despite recent IBM LinuxONE announcement.

SUSE – “Will Not Diverge From its Open Source Roots!”– Linux Journal

5) Node v4.0.0 is released, marking the first code release by reunited io.js and node.js communities.

Node.js Foundation Releases First Joint Code– I Programmer