This Week in Linux News: Let’s Encrypt Leaves Beta and More


This Week in Linux News: Let’s Encrypt leaves beta, Intel develops blockchain technology, and More. Read the latest Linux news in our weekly digest.

1) The free SSL/TLS effort from the Linux Foundation is no longer in beta.

Let’s Encrypt Internet Security Initiative Exits Beta– eWeek

2) Intel outlines plans for new distributed ledger technology.

Intel releases plans on blockchain technology with “Sawtooth Lake”– Silicon Angle

3) Free Software Foundation president Richard Stallman weighs in on whether Ubuntu can legally include ZFS in Linux.

Bundling ZFS and Linux Is Impossible Says Richard Stallman– The Register

4) Collaboration is the default for today’s developers, according to a new survey.

Why Every Developer Is an Open Source Developer Now– TechRepublic

5) Open source community must work together to overcome cyber security issues.

Security is the biggest bug of open source, says Linux Foundation CTO– The Inquirer