This Week in Numbers: Managing JavaScript Packages with NPM and Yarn


This week we analyze more data from the Node.js Foundation‘s user survey. Almost three-quarters (73 percent) of survey respondents said they use a package manager. NPM was used by 60 percent and Yarn cited by 13 percent. Since Yarn sits on top of NPM, in reality these respondents are referring to an interface or tool they actually use day-to-day. Yarn’s use rose 44 percent compared to last year’s study.

Is Yarn a better alternative to NPM? That is up to you to decide.

We looked through the raw data provided by the Node.js Foundation and found two questions about JavaScript tooling that were not included as charts in its reports. The graphic below shows the charts we created about transpiler and modular bundler usage. The New Stack will use this data to support future reporting.

Read more at The New Stack