This Week in Open Source News: The White House Releases Code Policy, Linux Security Threats Pose Wide Risk, & More


1) The White House released federal source code policy, requiring agencies to release 20% of new code they commission as open source. 

Open Source Won. So, Now What?– WIRED

2) A flaw in the Transmission Control Protocol poses a threat to Internet users, whether they use Linux directly or not.

Use the Internet? This Linux Flaw Could Open You Up to Attack– PCWorld

3) New Trojan targets Linux servers and is exploiting servers running the Redis NoSQL database to use them for bitcoin mining.

Linux.Lady Trojan Turns Linux Servers into Bitcoin Miners– The Inquirer

4) “Will Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn slow down the social networking company’s cadence of open-sourcing core technology for developers?”

LinkedIn: Open-Sourcing Under the Microsoft Regime– eWeek

5) Today’s CEOs increasingly have impressive technical backgrounds and open source is more valuable than ever. 

2046 is the Last Year Your CEO Has a Business Major– VentureBeat