Weekly news wrapup: Caldera, ‘world’s largest Linux company,’ says GPL is weak


Author: JT Smith

By Grant Gross

Caldera CEO Ransom Love shook up the Open Source community this week with a couple of pronouncements. What made the most news: Love’s partial agreement with Microsoft executive Craig Mundie, who ripped into the supposed evils of the GNU General Public License a couple of weeks ago.

Love chatted up several technology journalists this week, and he told them that the GPL was Open Source’s “weakest point” and hinted that Caldera was working on a BSD-type of license. Caldera also completed its acquisition of pieces of Unix company Santa Cruz Operation and then announced that it has become the world’s largest Linux company.

Love also talked to NewsForge’s Jack Bryar this week about a wide-ranging list of topics, from Caldera’s “world’s largest” claim to the GPL to Caldera’s place in the Open Source community.

Red Hat doesn’t like Netscape

But this isn’t the Caldera weekly news wrapup. Other news broke out, too. Linux distributor Red Hat announced this week it would dump Netscape for the Mozilla browser once Mozilla reaches the 1.0 version (maybe we should say if Mozilla ever reaches the 1.0 version). For the record, we should mention that the long-awaited browser did announce its 0.9 version this week.

Torvalds doesn’t like software subscriptions

Linux father Linus Torvalds punched back at Microsoft this week after the Mundie speech. Torvalds criticized software subscription schemes, like Microsoft’s software renting plan announced this week. Torvalds said software subscriptions are just plain bad for customers, although we all know, of course, that Microsoft would never do something to prop up its bottom line at the expense of consumers. (Note sarcasm.)

Also worth reading, if you didn’t get enough of the Open Source community’s response to Mundie last week, is Torvalds’ comments in an interview with ZD Net.

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