What Motivates Today’s Developers?


A whopping 48 percent of developers say they’re most productive between 8 a.m. and noon, with 21 percent listing noon until 4 p.m. as their best hours. As for all-nighters: only 5 percent indicate 8 p.m. to midnight as a high production time, with only a few more, 8 percent, saying they’re at their best between midnight and 4 a.m.

That’s one of many takeaways from a new survey, aptly titled The 2017 State of the Modern Developer, that was conducted by research firm Coleman Parkes for the software analysis and measurement company CAST. In all, 500 developers in four countries — USA, UK, France and Germany — were surveyed. According to CAST, the research was conducted “to learn more about the motivators and behavior of modern developers, in addition to their attitude towards code quality.”

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