Why You Should Become a SysAdmin


Chances are good that you are already an administrator for some systems you own, and you do it for free because that’s just how it goes these days. But there are employers willing and eager to pay good money for someone to help administer their systems. We’re currently near zero unemployment in system and network administration, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects continued 9% growth in the field through 2024.

What about automation, you ask. Perhaps you’ve heard sysadmins say how they intend to automate away their entire job, or how they automated their predecessor’s job in a single shell script. How many have you heard of that succeeding? When the job is automation, there is always more to automate.

If you attend or watch videos of sysadmin conferences, you’ll see a field that needs new blood. Not only is there a distinct lack of younger people, but also fairly extreme gender and racial imbalances. While those are topics for a different article, diversity is well proven to improve resilience, problem-solving, innovation, and decision-making—things of great interest to sysadmins.

Read more at OpenSource.com