The Work on Xbox-Linux goes straight forward!

Anonymous Reader writes “With a few new developers the work on the xbox-linux port goes straight forward. Especially Michael Steil brought new impressions to the project-Team. a filesystem modul (Xbox FatX filesystem) for the Linux Kernel 2.4.x is allready done. The Xbox-Linux documentation page is currently the nr 1 place for informations related to xbox-hacking. Now where the modchips are available another point of the roadmap is done, the team bind his skills now completly to the reverse-enginering part. If they are able to execute own code on the xbox the work on the bootloader will start. The project turned from his mainphase in August 2001 to a stable and profesional ports-team. The Xbox-Linux Project was started by the H Zero Severn – Unix/Linux Development and Research Team.


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