XML for version 2.0 released


Author: JT Smith

David Joham writes “January 24, 2002 (The INTERNET). I’m pleased to announce the immediate release of XML for SCRIPT version 2.0.

XML for SCRIPT is a simple, non-validating XML DOM and SAX parser written in JavaScript. It was designed to help web application designers implement cross platform, client side manipulation of XML data without having to resort to proprietary platform-limiting solutions.

XML for SCRIPT includes extensive documentation on both its DOM and SAX parsers as well as a host of tools, sample applications and test suites to aid in developing applications based on its technology. XML for SCRIPT has been used by developers all over the world to write cross-platform, browser-based applications ranging from E-mail clients to full content management systems.

New features in version 2.0 include:
A standards compliant SAX Parser
Additional test suites and sample applications
Added tools to aid in development
Enhanced user and programmer documentation
Spiffy new website (requires a modern browser for full effect)

XML for SCRIPT is released under the GNU LGPL and is graciously hosted on the web by SourceForge. You can learn more about XML for SCRIPT at http://xmljs.sourceforge.net