xnsdoc 1.0 – XML Schema documentation generator

buldocs writes “The buldocs XML team is glad to announce release 1.0 of xnsdoc,
a professional tool to generate documentation of W3C XML Schema
in a JavaDoc like visualisation.

xnsdoc supports all common schema design practices like chameleon,
russian doll, salami slice, venetian blind schemas or circular schema

xnsdoc can be used from the command line, as an Apache Ant task,
as an Apache Maven plugin, as an Eclipse plugin or integrated as a
custom tool in many XML development tools such as StylusStudio,
oXygen XML or XMLWriter.

We created many examples to test and demonstrate the capabilities of xnsdoc:

http://www.buldocs.com/xnsdoc/samples/docs/xmlsche ma/XMLSchema.xsd/
http://www.buldocs.com/xnsdoc/samples/docs/xhtml/x html1-strict.xsd/
http://www.buldocs.com/xnsdoc/samples/docs/uddi/ud di_v2.xsd/

You can download or read more about xnsdoc here:


With the following promotional code you’ll get a discount of 20% on all licenses until November 30, 2005: xns-5on-fo-doc

buldocs Ltd.

Link: buldocs.com