You Can Now Have All the Fedora 23 Linux Editions Into a Single Live ISO Image


fedora-23-linux-editions-into-a-single-live-iso-imageToday, December 12, we’ve been informed by the developers of the Linux AIO project about the release and immediate availability for download of Linux AIO Fedora 23 Live DVDs.

The new build of the Linux AIO Fedora Live DVD is now based on the latest stable Fedora Linux release, Fedora 23, and includes all the important editions, such as Fedora 23 Workstation (GNOM),, Fedora 23 KDE, Fedora 23 MATE Compiz, Fedora 23 Xfce, Fedora 23 Cinnamon, as well as Fedora 23 LXDE. There are two Linux AIO Fedora 23 Live DVD ISO images available for download…