You Can Put a Supercomputer in a Pizza Box? DARPA Wants to Talk to You

Article Source insideHPC
June 29, 2009, 8:35 am

I found this via a tweet to a slashdot post pointing to an article at NetworkWorld (whew!). DARPA issued an RFI for its Ubiquitous High Performance Computing program last week, and this really does look like a DARPA hard problem.

The goal of the effort:

The goal of the envisioned UHPC program is to provide the revolutionary technology needed to meet the steadily increasing demands of DoD applications ‚Äì from embedded to command center and expandable to high performance computing systems. This may be accomplished by developing highly parallel processing systems with significantly increased power efficiency, enabling ease of programming application development for the user, and resilient execution through all modes of system failure…

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