You’re Invited to Contribute to the Future of


LinuxDotCom-logoWith nearly 1 million  visitors a month, we aim to make a hub of information for the Linux community and a platform for advocacy for the Linux operating system. Thank you to our readers and community members for your ongoing support of this important resource.

As the Linux community grows and technology evolves, so must We are considering some updates to the site to meet these growing needs and need your help to understand what is most important.

We invite you to take this 5-minute survey to help inform these updates.

Your insights are invaluable to us in ensuring the site is helpful and informative for years to come.

And, as a thank you for your time and participation, we are offering the chance to win one of two $500 Amazon gift certificates. Prizes will be awarded on a random basis from a pool of all those who complete the survey.

Please be assured that we will treat any information you provide as strictly confidential. 

Thank you again for your support and input!