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Cox releases Linux 2.2.18pre9

Author: JT Smith

More USB drivers, as well as ARM updates in Linux 2.2.18pre9 (from LWN).


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Poor planning hurts online businesses

Author: JT Smith

One reason for many European ebusiness failures, says ZDNet.uk, is that only about half the companies trying to move their businesses online have any kind of business plan at all, and the rest often have shaky ones.


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DeCSS code comes to Legoland

Author: JT Smith

Despite (or perhaps because of) MPAA efforts, the infamous DeCSS code continues to be posted all over the Net, often in places where you wouldn’t necessarily expect it to pop up. The latest “unlikely” sighting is this page on the legoland.co.uk Web site. Update: Sad to say, the Legoland DeCSS page disappeared Sunday evening. But copies are to sure to pop up on other corporate servers. We’ll keep and eye out for them — and if you see one, please let us know.

Sharing the streaming burden

Author: JT Smith

A new technology uses users’ computers to retransmit streaming audio and video, which may make live streaming less of a bandwidth hog. But, Wired wonders, why would anyone sign up to let their computer do retransmissions?

Publishing without a net

Author: JT Smith

Wired looks into reasons some of the biggest magazines haven’t started putting anything online besides subscription blurbs. Yet.

So-called hackers: please grow up

Author: JT Smith

The Register’s take on various hackers’ responses to the SDMI $10,000 prize offered to the first person to crack the music industry’s latest proposed encryption scheme.

Sex in space

Author: JT Smith

Okay, it’s not a story about Open Source or the Internet, but face it: you’re interested (and so are we). The Washington Post delves into the ins and outs of reproduction in microgravity.


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DUPE E-mail marketers target spam

Author: JT Smith

PCWorld article mentions a few big online marketers and contains platitude-type quotes from them, but doesn’t talk about shutting down the toner and MLM bozos. Oh, well.

Employment: Engineering instructors taking a new approach

Author: JT Smith

“Teenagers are immersed in technology, from hand-held computers to mobile phones. But fewer of them are choosing to go into engineering careers than a decade ago,” laments the Dalla Morning News.


  • Linux

Stream MP3 using Linux

Author: JT Smith

Configuring Linux to stream MP3 music over a TCP/IP network is a matter of installing and configuring just two RPMs. These are Icecast – an MP3 server, and Shout – which streams MP3 data to the MP3 server for broadcasting. On the client side, you’ll need MP3 players like Winamp for Windows, or X11amp and Mpg123 for Linux. So, let’s get going on how to configure Linux for playing MP3s over your network. Read full article-Anonymous Reader


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