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September CRYPTO-GRAM newsletter

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News announces the release of the Septmber issue of the CRYPTO-GRAM newsletter, providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on computer security and cryptography.


  • Linux

Future profitability of Linux

Author: JT Smith

StockHouse Financial News presents reasons why Sun Microsystems’ anti-Microsoft crusade will do wonders for Linux, and its future profitability.


  • Linux

X-native apps will appear in a trickle, not a flood

Author: JT Smith

As Apple rolls out its beta release of the long-awaited Mac OS X, Macworld Magazine reports, Mac software companies around the world are frantically trying to get their own applications working natively on the next generation of the Mac OS.

Microsoft slammed over DoS bug

Author: JT Smith

This ZDNet UK News article asks, is it appropriate that Microsoft releases Windows Me to the consumer knowing there is a problem with it?

Industry group cooks up rules for spam

Author: JT Smith

Sixteen companies, including online advertisers DoubleClick and 24/7 Media, banded together over the summer to hash out a set of professional standards that they expect to make public at a marketing conference in Boston later this month, reports CNET News.

AbiWord 0.7.11 released

Author: JT Smith

The newest features in AbiWord and a quick look at what’s ahead as the project nears version 0.9 and feature freeze, from Linux Today.


  • Open Source

Serial (software) monogamy

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet surmises, while the rapid change in the Open Source/Free Software communities means that users have an unprecendented
amount of choices when it comes to desktop environments,
applications, and window managers, that sometimes with too much change, worthy applications get lost in the dust.


  • Open Source

EU denies reports EMI/Warner is dead

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports, The European Union’s top competition official said on Friday he had not yet decided whether to clear or block the proposed $20 billion joint venture of EMI Group Plc and Warner Music.

GNOME documentation project status report #2

Author: JT Smith

The GNOME developers site releases the second issue of the GNOME Documentation Project Status Report.


  • Open Source

Using MySQL’s built-in replication to maximize availability

Author: JT Smith

PHPBuilder.com presents a walk through describing the use of MySQL’s new replication feature to configure two servers as a master slave pair.