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Can Open Source projects manage themselves?

Author: JT Smith

The Slashdot community discusses an article that challenges the popular idea that Open Source projects manage themselves


  • Open Source

Linux Journal Press publishes first book

Author: JT Smith

Linux Journal Press, a partnership between Specialized
Systems Consultants, Inc. and No Starch Press, announces the
publication of its first book. “Linux Music & Sound” (
$39.95, 350 pp. w/CD-ROM, http://www.nostarch.com/?lms, October 2000) is
the first book to document recording, storing, playing, and editing music and
sound using the Linux operating system. Read more of the press release at LinuxPR.

Courtney Love demands her share of MP3.com cash

Author: JT Smith

The singer says Universal Music Group isn’t passing its windfall in its successful lawsuit against MP3.com along to the artists. She wants a cut, Upside.com

Linux NetworX to unveil RapidFlow switches

Author: JT Smith

Linux NetworX, a provider of cluster
computer solutions for Web hosting, ISPs, ASPs, video streaming, industry and
research fields, plans to introduce its RapidFlow TM line of switches at the
Networld+Interop 2000 trade show Sept. 26. The RapidFlow Switch
Architecture offers scalability, flexibility, ease-of-use and manageability for
customers requiring accelerated data routing and reliability. The press release is at LinuxPR.

SuSE to put out Linux version of Sun’s SPARC

Author: JT Smith

SuSE now supports
PowerPC, Alpha and SPARC in addition to i386, and the Slashdot readers discuss the possibilities.


  • Linux

Linux users: SDMI contest a trick

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet follows up on reports that some members of the Linux community are rejecting the record industry’s request to help it create a more secure technical lock on its digital music. The Linux Journal is sponsoring a boycott of the Secure Digital Music Initiative, which starts Friday and promises to pay $10,000 to any hacker who strips out the watermark from a digital song.


  • Linux

File-swapping Aimster to tap into ICQ, Napster

Author: JT Smith

Aimster, the Napster-like program that taps into America Online’s Instant Messenger software to create file-swapping buddy lists, is expanding its file-searching capabilities to support ICQ and to search Napster and Scour Exchange networks, reports CNET News.

The people behind KDE

Author: JT Smith

KDE.org is offering insights into the people that are behind KDE, starting with its founder, Matthias Ettrich.


  • Open Source

Keynotes at LINUX Business Expo-Atlanta

Author: JT Smith

Leading Linux companies Red Hat and Caldera Systems will headline keynotes at LINUX Business Expo-Atlanta, reports PRNewswire.

Napster fights back, few notice

Author: JT Smith

The Standard reports, that on its way down, Napster is attacking its attackers.