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What makes software open source?

Author: JT Smith

Upside Today asks, what’s the difference between a GPL-compatible and a non-GPL-incompatible software license?


  • Open Source

Lotus gives date for Raven beta tests

Author: JT Smith

VNUnet is quotes, “Raven is now set to ship by the end of the year, and is likely to run only on the Windows NT platform,” said Tony Cocks, UK marketing manager of knowledge management for Lotus. “The next versions after that, which will be months rather than years, are AIX Unix, Linux and Solaris,” he said.

TimeSys announces preemptive Linux kernel support

Author: JT Smith

LinuxDevices.com reports, TimeSys Corporation announces enhancements
to its TimeSys Linux/RT operating system distribution that makes the Linux kernel preemptable.

FCC delays start of open access inquiry

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports, the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday unexpectedly postponed the formal opening of an inquiry into what federal regulations should govern high-speed Internet access over cable television systems.

What’s next for peer-to-peer music?

Author: JT Smith

Talk of a desire to strike a deal was voiced from both sides of the peer-to-peer file swapping controversy and highlighted a panel discussion group on Wednesday at Digital Coast 2000, from Newsbytes.

Felony charges for crackers in Michigan

Author: JT Smith

Attorney General Jennifer Granholm today announced that she has filed felony criminal charges against two Michigan men each accused of unlawfully entering a third-party computer system, the charges are the first under a Michigan law
which makes the unauthorized alteration, damage or use of a computer system a felony.


  • Linux

Sun offers new licensing plan for Java 2

Author: JT Smith

According to Computerworld, the new licensing policy calls for a per-year cap on royalties and fees that each licensee must pay Sun for access to the Java source code.

Linux gets wireless boost

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet UK News: Linux has seen a huge wireless boost according to research Thursday which shows a 50% growth in the number of wireless Linux applications being developed over the last 6 months.

OLD, I THINK. Tips for effective Open Source advocacy

Author: JT Smith

32BitsOnline article offers strategies for convincing suits to adopt Linux in the enterprise.

Yggdrasil ships world’s first DVD9-ROM

Author: JT Smith

Yggdrasil Computing has shipped the world’s first Linux DVD9-ROM, a successor format to CD-ROM’s, with over twelve times the capacity, from Linux Weekly News.


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