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Secure Digital Music group issues challenge

Author: JT Smith

Reuter is reporting, The Secure Digital Music Initiative is offering $10,000 to any
computer cracker who can break the encryption that the organization has developed to protect online entertainment.


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1.3B wireless data users by 2004

Author: JT Smith

The number of subscribers to wireless data services will grow rapidly
from 170 million worldwide in 2000 to more than 1.3 billion in 2004,
according to a study released Tuesday by market research company
Cahners In-Stat Group, from IDG News Service.

Harris Interactive drops ISP lawsuit

Author: JT Smith

IDG News Service reports, Harris Interactive Tuesday announced that it has dropped its lawsuit against a number of leading ISPs and an antispam organization.

Flash done right? Think ‘usability’

Author: JT Smith

This article from the Boston Globe’s digitalMass surmises, for Flash to live up to its promise, its fans have to move beyond the current flavor-of-the-month.

The story of MacOS X

Author: JT Smith

On the day of its public debut, MacWorld offers a complete overview of Apple’s new operating system, from Aqua to
pre-emptive multitasking.


  • Open Source

Inktomi to buy FastForward Networks

Author: JT Smith

The deal adds live broadcasting technology and management to Inktomi’s suite of licensed products that provide online searches and manage Internet traffic, reports Reuters.

Napster tells U.S. Appeals Court copyright isn’t the issue

Author: JT Smith

According to the Bloomberg News, Napster Inc. told a federal appeals court that control of Internet technology, not copyright law, is the issue in the recording industry’s legal fight against the popular music-sharing Web site.

FCC wants AOL and Time Warner to open up

Author: JT Smith

The Wall Street Journal is reporting, FCC staffers want to require AOL to open instant messaging to rivals and make Time Warner further open its high speed cable lines.

OPEC web site cracked

Author: JT Smith

“I think I speak for everyone out there (the entire planet), when I say you guys need to get your collective asses in gear with the price of crude,” was part of the message that appeared on the bottom of the OPEC web site, according to CNN News.


  • Linux

MP3.com CEO defends online music service

Author: JT Smith

Just days after his Web venture was hit with one of the stiffest legal penalties of the Internet era, MP3.com CEO Michael Robertson defended his company’s music downloading service before an audience of venture capitalists and Internet entrepreneurs, from NetworkWorldFusion News.