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EMusic.com: We benefited from Napster

Author: JT Smith

While a staunch competitor of Napster, Bob Kohn, founder and chief executive officer of EMusic.com actually voiced some support for the rival music-swapping site during the Internet Law & Policy Forum held here Monday. The story is at PC World.

O’Reilly announces the O’Reilly University of Perl

Author: JT Smith

Learn more about Perl — whether you’re a beginner or on your way to Guru status — at the O’Reilly University of Perl 2000. O’Reilly’s tutorial programs for Perl programmers, feature intensive two-day programs, taught by core Perl developers, in four locations across the country. The press release is at LinuxPR.

Linux-Mandrake security advisory

Author: JT Smith

A bug exists in two PAM modules: pam_smb and pam_ntdom. They are
pluggable authentication modules that allow authentication of usernames
and passwords in PAM-compatible environments against Windows and Samba.
Both modules contain remotely exploitable stack buffer overflows. This
bug allows an attacker to execute arbitary code as root. The versions
affected are: pam_smb advisory is at LWN.net.


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Barksdale nurturing Netscape’s enemy?

Author: JT Smith

What would it take to get former Netscape CEO James Barksdale to give money to the lead engineer behind the Web browser that crushed his company and launched the federal antitrust suit against Microsoft? A dozen top Microsoft engineers, including the lead engineers for Internet Explorer and Access, and the head of the “Dot-Net” initiative, are starting a company to try to take the hassle out of running an Internet company. And Barksdale thinks it’s a good enough idea that he joined a $10 million venture round, reports ZDNet.

Sun: Copyright control a losing battle

Author: JT Smith

From a story at afr.com.au: “Recording and movie companies were fighting a losing battle to try to control the copying and distribution of their products over the internet, John Gage, the chief scientist at computer maker Sun Microsystems said.”

HP claims Superdome is ‘mother of all computers’

Author: JT Smith

“This is the mother of all computers.” So claimed Hewlett-Packard Co.’s Duane Zitzner, president of computing systems, as he helped roll out HP’s latest high-end Unix server line, the Superdome HP 9000, in New York City on Tuesday, reports ZDNet.


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Libertarian candidate to techies: You’re no libertarian

Author: JT Smith

Libertarian Party presidential candidate Harry Browne has a message for some of the folks in Silicon Valley: You might think you’re libertarian, but you’re not. The story is at ZDNet.

Where’s Intervideo’s Linux DVD player?

Author: JT Smith

The community at Slashdot discusses Intervideo’s promise to deliver a “legal” Linux DVC player.

IBM’s light new notebook: Thin is in

Author: JT Smith

From a review of IBM’s new notebook at ZDNet: Transmeta Corp.’s Crusoe chips may also be in the future for the X-series.


  • Unix

Baltimore in PKI world-first

Author: JT Smith

Australian IT announces, Baltimore Technologies’ UniCERT is the first PKI product to be ITSEC E3 accredited in the world, but the company still has some hurdles to jump to ensure its security system has the ultimate seal of approval.


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