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Again, is Linux a threat to Microsoft?

Author: JT Smith

osOpinion.com: International Data Corp. says Linux will pose a significant threat to Microsoft for market share among server operating systems over the next few years (July 24). In a different light, we’ve also seen reports that say that Linux’s market share only accounted for 8% of server revenue. That may mean little or nothing important to some of us, but it has overtones that threaten the viability of this operating system.Kelly McNeill


  • Linux

SEC accuses 33 in frauds

Author: JT Smith

The Dallas News reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission accused 33 companies and individuals Wednesday of fraudulently using the Internet to make more than $10 million in illegal profits by driving up the prices of more than 70 small stocks.


  • Linux

PlayStation 2 available – to order

Author: JT Smith

Sony is already preparing to take orders in high street stores for its new games console, the Playstation 2, reports BBC News.

Review: ASUS V7100/T GeForce2 MX

Author: JT Smith

ASUS takes another stab at the video card market with the GeForce2 MX based V7100. Does ASUS live up to its reputation of producing high quality, feature packed products with the V7100 or have they finally slipped? From Anandtech.


  • Unix

UK users prepare anti-Apple protest action

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports that a band of Brit Mac users is planning to disrupt Apple CEO Steve
Jobs’ keynote speech at Apple Expo Paris next week, according to
an email from the group mailed to just about every Mac news site on
the planet.

Citrix unveils new thin client software

Author: JT Smith

Thin-client software vendor Citrix Systems has released
new security software that lets remote users securely
access Windows and Unix applications protected by a
corporate firewall, reports NetworkWorldFusion.com.


  • Linux

AMD Ups Duron speed grade to 750 MHz

Author: JT Smith

TechWeb.com reports that Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has ratcheted up the
speed race for value PCs by introducing a 750-MHz
Duron processor priced at $181 each in 1,000-lot


  • Unix

Largest memory maker to push output

Author: JT Smith

Samsung Electronics will invest $3.47 billion
to expand output, but predicts DRAM
shortage until 2002. From ZDNET.


  • Unix

Conectiva Linux 6.0 beta released

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News announces that the first beta for Conectiva Linux 6.0 is out.


  • Linux

osOpinion: why would the government choose MS?

Author: JT Smith

“A recent osOpinion article perked my interest about the Navy’s recent decision to use the Microsoft Windows operating system in its next generation aircraft carrier.”The answer is really quite simple – they do not have a choice in the matter. Kelly McNeill