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Feds want AOL/Time Warner to guarantee open broadband access

Author: JT Smith

The Washington Post says the FTC [Federal Trade Commission] want assurance from AOL/Time Warner that their high-speed cable Internet systems will be open to all or they may try to block the merger.

High iQLinux

Author: JT Smith

OsOpinion column talks of iQLinux.com, which calls itself “the leading support resource for the Linux community,” and how Open Source affects attitudes toward employment and subcontracting.


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Linuxlookup.com – Wants you! (Community casting call)

Author: JT Smith

In hopes of getting more people involved with Linuxlookup, we’re now holding a community casting call. Linuxlookup.com is rapidly growing beyond our control, so we’re asking the general public with similar interests to apply to positions they feel would best suit them.

See the article HERE-Anonymous Reader


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Hypocrisy: An Open Source Closed Community

Author: JT Smith

There is an interesting article [from 8/29 – ed] on Linuxpower about alleged snobbish elitism, hypocrisy, irrational bigotry, ingratitude and plain bad manners within the Linux community. The article is entitled “Hypocrisy: An Open Source Closed Community”. Among other things, the author is troubled by the fact that at LWCE allegedly: (a) some people were wearing “Fuck Red Hat” t-shirts; and (b) an IBM employee who won a Caldera laptop was “booed off the stage” as soon as his employer was revealed. The author also complains about “elitism and corruption within the slashdot camp.”
David Hume


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To GPL or not to GPL

Author: JT Smith

A reader submitted this osOpinion piece discussing an “anti-GPL” person’s impressions and opinions of the GNU Public License. The piece ends with the author asking for assistance. “But I would be children-havingly grateful to anyone who could genuinely enlighten me on this conundrum. Are my facts right? Is my sense of morality backward?


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Microsoft faces off against nationalist fervor

Author: JT Smith

Canada.com discusses Microsoft in China, and how the common view of outside influences affects the software company’s business.

MP3 usage in Linux

Author: JT Smith

MP3 usage in Linux, presented by the Duke of URL, covering command line tools, GUI tools, and ripping.


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Unified BSD packaging system?

Author: JT Smith

Chris Coleman has brought up the possibility of a unified BSD package system on daily daemonnews. “To prove my point, I downloaded the FreeBSD ports collection and installed it in place of the OpenBSD ports collection. A few tweaks and adjustments later, and I am compiling mozilla, with its 10 dependencies. ” Slashdot has a discussion of the topic as well.


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Amazon.com move worries privacy pros

Author: JT Smith

Techweb reports on Amazon’s recent privacy policy change causing concern among privacy advocates. “This statement opens a rather large door, according to privacy professionals and consumers worried about what use is made of their buying data.”

AIX 5L: Merging closed and open source

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet discusses AIX 5L, and how it’s joining a GNU tools environment with AIX’s more traditional technology. “The inclusion of so many GPLed tools — which could be viewed as an essential part of the operating system given how IBM is deploying AIX 5L — will not change AIX’s status as closed-source software, however.”


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