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Study says greatest demand for techies is in non-tech companies

Author: JT Smith

The Information Technology Association of America says that 70% of US demand for tech workers comes from non-tech companies that employ between 50 an 100 people. These companies, their larger brethren, and government agencies can’t compete with dot-come and other pure tech companies when it comes to salaries and perqs, but they often offer their employees a higher quality of life instead — including shorter hours and less stress. Washington Post article.


  • Open Source

Some Internet users voluntarily give up privacy

Author: JT Smith

Washington Post story talks of LifeMinders, Inc., an online company that asks people to reveal all kinds of personal details about themselves — and has gotten millions to do so by helping to organize their lives in return.

Trick or treat

Author: JT Smith

Happy Halloween! Oh, alright, it probably will have already been
by the time you get this, but you’re still hip-deep in candy. Isn’t
Halloween great? You run around the neighborhood dressed like a maniac,
and you grab candy from willing donors. It’s fantastic. They want to
you candy, you want to take candy. You want to hoard, they want to let
do it. If you don’t hoard the candy, you’re thought of as
strange. What a great business model!

Open Source is like Halloween for geeks. The only strange dynamic is
the kids grabbing the candy and the adults distributing the candy are
same group of people, and you’re expected to let anyone eat from your
bottomless pillowcase of candy. No problem, right? It’s wonderful! It’s
fantastic! It’s giving! It’s freedom!

Until you realize that sometime, somewhere, someone’s got to pay for
candy. Oh, we’ve advanced beyond the concept of spending cash for a bag
‘fun size’ Snickers bars. It’s all about time and interest. Time
isn’t the hard part. Sure, a lot of developers are super-busy, but
find that getting a program written takes more than just time. It’s got
be interesting.

That’s right, it’s got to be interesting. Want to know why there’s no
fantastic small-business financial management tools for Linux? Because
small-business financial management software is only slightly more
interesting than watching a full evening of ‘The Brady Brides’
reruns. It’s boring! It’s stupid! It’s painful! They need something
to get them involved. Here’s some tips to getting your application

On Halloween, the silliest thing you could do is to be one of those
that just leaves a basket full of candy on the doorstep with a little
that says ‘please take one.’ Are you mad? The first kid that comes to
door is gonna bolt up there, dump the basket into his or her bag, turn
around and say, ‘It’s empty!’ Duh. Want kids to share? Supervise. What
does this mean? Get involved. Help them. Make them feel wanted and stay
onboard so you can get what you really want.

Want them to come to your house again and again and again? Be the guy
gives out entire candy bars. Oh, yes. They will flock to your house.
will come by your house many times, sometimes in different costumes. I
know this because I did this when I was a kid. Always keep a spare mask
around. Anyway. The kids need something to come back for. Give them a
Snickers bar. I’m not saying the ‘King Size,’ but certainly bigger than
the standard Halloween ‘Fun Size.’ Get the big candy bars. What does
mean? Support them! It’s not enough just to be around. You’ve got to
them the good stuff. Definitely time, maybe some money. Maybe some
equipment. Anything you can spare, but make sure you’re giving the best
you can.

Perl 5.7.0 Released

Author: JT Smith

See use Perl announcement for specs, description, download mirrors.

Latest Apple Pro keyboards don’t work with recent Macs

Author: JT Smith

Four keys on the latest Apple Pro keyboards won’t work properly with Macs shipped prior to July 19; Apple is offering refunds or order cancellations. Details at MacCentral Online.

Review: Abit Gentus Linux 3.0

Author: JT Smith

The Duke of URL reviews Gentus v3, the latest Abit repackaging of Red Hat Rawhide with additional Abit features. Covered are pros and cons of Gentus, what is new in v3, installation, and how Abit has address the GPL problems with earlier releases.


  • Linux

Meet the 2.4 Linux kernel

Author: JT Smith

IBM DeveloperWorks has a very detailed article on the changes in the forthcoming 2.4 Linux Kernel.


  • Linux

Windows PHP installer

Author: JT Smith

It was announced today that an “easy” installer for PHP v4 on Windows has been released. This allows people to setup a PHP/Apache server on a Windows-based workstation more easily, allowing them to develop and test solutions at their desks.

EU objects to AOL-Time Warner merger

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot reports that the European Union is objecting to the recent AOL and Time-Warner merge. The EU says that the result is too powerful, and could harm consumers.


  • Open Source

Amazon.com notifying customers of privacy policy – dup from Friday

Author: JT Smith

Austin360.com reports on Amazon.com’s recent privacy policy change, as well as past privacy issues Amazon has faced.