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Review: Debian 2.2

Author: JT Smith

From a review at securityportal: “I wanted to write a really positive article about Debian 2.2, which was just released a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I can’t. While Debian itself is a reasonably well-done Linux distribution, it has some major security issues.”


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Interview with Eazel’s Tribble

Author: JT Smith

LWN.net interviews Guy “Bud” Tribble, vice president of engineering for Eazel.


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Linux incubator delivers through ups and downs

Author: JT Smith

Upside.com has a story about Linux Capital Group Inc., a startup dedicated to getting other startups to market. “At first, the timing seemed too good to be true. With the sky-high December valuations on dotcom incubator companies such as CMGI (CMGI) and Internet Capital Group (ICGE), and suddenly Linux Capital Group looked like a can’t-miss prospect.”

VA Linux ups server ante

Author: JT Smith

VA Linux rolled out a four-way 700MHz Pentium III-based system that company officials promised will be targeted at users looking to speed e-commerce or Web serving applications, reports Infoworld.com. The new model 4450, which can be rack-mounted in a 4-unit, or 7-inches-high form factor, features three independent PCI buses, 64-bit PCI card slots, and a 66MHz PCI bus, which helps quicken RAID and Gigabit Ethernet performance. The system can be set up to hold five 36-gigabyte hard drives. (Full disclosure: VA Linux owns NewsForge.)


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Palm virus is short-lived

Author: JT Smith

The Palm virus threat was short-lived and few users were affected by the destructive software, which unlike a computer virus does not reproduce, reports LATimes.com. But the minimal impact of the Trojan horse masks future danger, ZDNet UK says.

Tech heavyweights team on Linux lab

Author: JT Smith

IBM, Hewlett Packard, and Intel have teamed up to form an independent lab for Linux developers to expand the alternative operating system for heavy business tasks, says Interactive Week. The press release is at LinuxPR. More from The Associated Press, and even more from CNet.


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Column: Privacy laws will have unintended consequences

Author: JT Smith

From an Inter@active Week column: “Regulations designed to protect my ‘privacy’ or my rights as a ‘consumer’ are not the same as enforcing my rights against fraud or damage.”


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Gartner: Napster banned at 34% of colleges

Author: JT Smith

From IDG.net: Thirty-four percent of U.S. colleges and universities have banned the music file trading program Napster for Internet users surfing over campus servers, according to a report from technology market research company Gartner Group. As students return to campus from summer vacation, college administrators wrestle with the legal and ethical questions surrounding the controversial program from Napster Inc.

Colleges get back into file-swapping game

Author: JT Smith

File swapping is back on college campuses — offered by some of the very same colleges that have banned Napster. A group of 40 universities, including Stanford University, will offer students a Web-based memory storage system from I-drive.com that has, as one of its functions, file swapping, according to a story at ZDNet.

2600: MPAA starts new round of ‘threatening letters’

Author: JT Smith

From a story at 2600.com: “As expected, the Motion Picture Association of America has begun to threaten people all over the world in the wake of their victory in the 2600 lawsuit. This time, not only are sites that mirror DeCSS being targeted, but also those that merely have LINKS to other sites with DeCSS. The MPAA points to the anti-linking ruling in the 2600 decision and apparently intends to pursue people who type a single line of HTML — if it points somewhere they don’t want it to point.”