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Sun moves closer to embracing open source

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: Sun, by working with Linuxcare, is now delivering GPL source code for drivers for its data storage devices.


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Running Linux under FreeBSD

Author: JT Smith

From BSDToday.com: Clifford Smith explains the basics of installing, using and troubleshooting FreeBSD’s Linux program compatibility.


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Caldera joins Linux-on-Itanium race

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: Caldera on Friday posted an early version of its OpenLinux product designed for the Itanium chip.


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Caldera ships developer preview of Linux

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxpr.com: This developer’s preview enables early software development with a beta version of the new Linux 2.4 kernel, Sun Microsystems’ Java, HotSpot technology and glibc 2.1.91.


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Freenet’s Ian Clarke heads to California

Author: JT Smith

The Standard writes: “The man who calls copyright law ‘unenforceable’ is bringing a powerful file-sharing application across the pond.”


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Netscape has serious security hole

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: A serious vulnerability has been found in a version of Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator Java interpreter that allows Web-based programs to access virtually any file.


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Napster gone corporate?

Author: JT Smith

From Wideopen.com: Intel will attempt to prove it can get down with the baddest Net players when it announces a plan to ignite development of more peer-to-peer networking for businesses and consumers.


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Stallman Begs to Differ with Troll Tech’s Allison

Author: JT Smith

Richard Stallman rebuts Warwick Allison in a BeOpen.com letter to the editor.


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NetBSD Security Advisory: Netscape 4.73

Author: JT Smith

The buffer overrun in Netscape’s JPEG parser has been fixed in 4.74; here is the
NetBSD Security Advisory.


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Dr. Dobb’s Python-URL

Author: JT Smith

A new edition of
Dr. Dobb’s Python-URL
is now up, with news and links in the world of Python.


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