CloudNativeCon Unites Leaders in Open Source, Container and Cloud Native Tech


Today’s cloud native ecosystem is growing at an incredibly rapid pace – as new technologies are continuously introduced and current applications are ever-evolving.

Taking the lead in bringing together the industry’s top developers, end users, and vendors, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the cloud native software stacks including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and OpenTracing and serves as a neutral home for collaboration.

To help spread cloud native practices and technology across the world, CNCF is hosting CloudNativeCon to bring together leading contributors in cloud native applications and computing, containers, microservices, central orchestration processing, and more November 8-9 in Seattle.

By co-locating with KubeCon and PrometheusDay, this conference will provide a platform for showcasing a full range of technologies that support the cloud native ecosystem and help bring associated communities together. Keynote speakers include Box’s Sam Ghods, Comcast’s Erik St. Martin, LightStep’s Ben Sigelman, Prometheus Expert Fabian Reinartz and Kubernetes Experts Kelsey Hightower and David Aronchick.

During KubeCon, attendees will have the opportunity to meet with leading Kubernetes technologists who work with one of the highest velocity open source projects – bringing together this quickly growing community to advance their knowledge of Kubernetes use with containers and cloud native architectures.

Similarly, PrometheusDay will feature technical talks covering major Prometheus adopters, leading expert contributor insights, and a full range of technologies that support open source monitoring technology in the cloud native ecosystem. From Percona to Shuttlecloud, Prometheus is helping these companies scale and the project itself is quickly growing as well. PrometheusDay will bring together this active and developing community to advance their knowledge of Prometheus use with cloud native architectures.

The event will feature sessions from companies like eBay, Twitter, Midokura, The Walt Disney Company,, Home Depot, NBCSports, Samsung SDS,, Bloomberg, and more.

Registration for this event is sold out, but you can still watch the keynotes via livestream and catch the session recordings on CNCF’s YouTube channel. Sign up for the livestream now.

For a sneak peek at a few notable speakers and their presentations, read on.

UniK: Unikernel Runtime for Kubernetes

UniK is an open-source tool written in Go for compiling applications into unikernels and deploying those unikernels across a variety of cloud providers, embedded devices (IoT), as well as a developer laptop or workstation. To demonstrate the value of cluster management of unikernels, EMC implemented a UniK runtime for Kubernetes – making Kubernetes the first cluster manager to support unikernels. In her featured KubeCon session, Idit Levine – CTO of EMC – will dive into this integration and explain how her team allowed UniK to take advantage of core Kubernetes features like horizontal scaling, automated rollouts and rollbacks, storage orchestration, self-healing, service discovery, load balancing and batch execution.

Kubernetes + Prometheus = Love

K8s needs a system capable of monitoring all individual units across the entire stack while enabling users to drill down from a global view to individual instances. Prometheus was designed with exactly this goal in mind. In his CloudNativeCon keynote – titled “Monitoring Kubernetes Clusters with Prometheus” – Fabian Reinartz, software engineer at CoreOS, will explain common challenges when monitoring large scale infrastructure, how Prometheus provides high-level observability without giving up low-level insight, and why this makes Kubernetes and Prometheus a match made in open source heaven.

Comcast’s Kubernetes Journey

Comcast is working to build a geographically distributed system for streaming linear video to millions of cable customers. Its infrastructure consists of approximately 1,000 physical locations, within 27 regional networks. Currently, its team aims to conserve bandwidth across its cable backbones by encoding IPTV streams to QAM streams at the last mile – eliminating duplicate video streams across the corporation’s backbone while supporting existing QAM infrastructure. In his keynote, aptly named “Kubernetes: As Seen On TV,” Erik St. Martin, a systems architect at Comcast, will walk attendees through how the company leveraged existing Kubernetes components and developed custom ones to build this growing system.

Taking the Challenge out of Service Level Agreement for Networking

With the proliferation of cloud services and the development of fine-grained virtualization techniques, the Network Service Agreement (SLA) is required to manage network resources efficiently for the large-scale, high-density computing units. In their session, “Network Service Agreement (SLA) Systems for Container Networks,” Yan Sun and Xuefeng Han, staff research engineers from Huawei, will discuss the role SLA Monitoring plays in classical SLA management model and a proposed solution called Networking Service Level Agreement system that targets a general and robust design, keeps minor modification to the Cloud Management System and is verified by prototype implementation.