Elive 0.3 review

Flavio Villanustre writes “Elive 0.3 is here. Elive is a Live CD distribution featuring Enlightenment as the main (and only) window manager (and desktop shell as well). Its version 0.1 was mostly an alpha release, and while Enlightenment 0.16 (the current stable release) ran fine, Enlightenment 0.17 was severely broken in many aspects. Elive 0.3 fixes most of those problems and presents Enlightenment 0.17 at a point where it’s perfectly usable for the day to day desktop. If you ever wanted to try Enlightenment 0.17, and didn’t want to go through the hassle of compiling it from scratch, this is your opportunity. And if you don’t want to install it just to test it, then Elive is for you. Elive 0.3 makes e17 easier than ever. But beware, once you try it, you may not be able to go back to your dated window manager.”

Link: Flavio’s TechnoTalk