SDSC fields 100 TFLOPS Appro super


SDSC announced late last week that they have been awarded $2.8M to deploy a new 10,368-core super from Appro. SDSC has focused in recent years on systems that enable data intensive computing, with a particular emphasis on flash memory systems. In November last year SDSC announced that Appro would be providing its next $20M super (named Gordon) as a follow on to SDSC’s (apparently successful) Dash flash memory prototype.

Trestles is appropriately named because it will serve as a bridge between SDSC’s unique, data-intensive resources available to TeraGrid users now and into the future,” said Mike Norman, SDSC’s interim director. “The overarching goal of Trestles is to enable as much productive science as possible in this data-intensive era.”

Read more at insideHPC