Sesco Linux – New secure Linux OS

Ravi Kashyap writes
SESCO LINUX is to create a secure and supreme quality, open source operating system designed for the server with text based console laying more emphasis on security and low-cost servers, to handle the similar tasks performed by high end servers.

Sesco Linux is designed from selected components from GNU Project, Linux Kernel and additional packages / softwares developed by SESCO, keeping it as clean and small.

Oflate, Open & Networked communities are working hard on the securing servers, this has become a greater task, at SESCO, this is one of our priorty and SESCO Linux is packaged & distributed with this aspect of Server Security in mind.
SESCO Linux is compatible on Intel & AMD processor to support both 32-bit & 64-bit features with remarkable price and performance leadership.


  • Official CD-rom with or without support . free updates
  • Downloading from internet . ftp sites & mirrors . free updates


  • Maintain packages intended for server.
  • Keep it update.
  • Default secure configurations, like eliminating telnet, ftp that are security risk
  • All services need to start with the administrator’s approval and knowledge.
  • Eliminating multiple software doing the same kind of job( postgressql Vs Mysql)
  • Auto Updates (similar to M$ Updates)
  • Securing logs
  • Paging the systems administrator in case of system warnings & service down.
  • Encrypted File Systems.
  • Fine tuning Linux kernels and controlled system privileges.
  • Load Balancing and clustering.
  • Supporting PC Hardware . (intel/AMD)
  • Both Commercially & non-commercial support.
  • Performance and tuning
  • User friendly install(defaults secure and the selection of packages).
  • Compatibility with other Linux based distributions
  • The easier the task of maintaining a box
  • Fine graining startup scripts
  • Non-GUI, instead a web based interface (similar to webmin) to maintain the server along with the text based console.

..Ravi Kashyap, December 31, 2003″



  • Linux