State of Cloud Instance Provisioning


If you are dealing with deploying instances (a.k.a Virtual Machines or VMs) to public cloud (e.g. AWS, Azure), then you might be wondering what your instance goes through before you can start using it.

This article is going to be about that. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know at the end how you liked it!

All operations that occur from the moment you request for a VM to the moment you can log in to the VM is called provisioning.

Most of the provisioning magic happens at cloud provider’s proprietary/internal software that manages their physical machines in the datacenter. A physical node is picked and the VM image you specified is copied to the machine and hypervisor boots up your VM. This is provisioning from the infrastructure side and we are not going to be talking about it here.

Read more at Ahmet Alp Balkan Blog