4 Useful Tools to Run Commands on Multiple Linux Servers


In this article, we will show how to run commands on multiple Linux servers at the same time. We will explain how to use some of the widely known tools designed to execute repetitive series of commands on multiple servers simultaneously. This guide is useful for system administrators who usually have to check the health of multiple Linux servers everyday.

For the purpose of this article, we assume that you already have SSH setup to access all your servers and secondly, when accessing multiple servers simultaneously, it is appropriate to set up key-based password-less SSH on all of your Linux servers. This above all enhances server security and also enables ease of access.

1. PSSH – Parallel SSH

Parallel-SSH is an open source, fast and easy-to-use command line based Python toolkit for executing ssh in parallel on a number of Linux systems. It contains a number of tools for various purposes such as parallel-sshparallel-scpparallel-rsyncparallel-slurp and parallel-nuke (read the man page of a particular tool for more information).

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