

Ok, you’ve been reborn for roughly 24 hours so I’ve got a monster challenge.  I challenge the community to solve the iPhone/linux sync problem without jailbreaking my phone.  There may be a monetary reward to someone for solving this challenge.  See below for my fine print regarding the rewared.  And nobody tell me it can’t be done, we all know nothing is for certain when it comes to computers.  Heck, I’ll even offer up one solution for someone to persue: start a petition to Apple to create iTunes for linux.  See was that hard?? So what are you waiting for, get to it!

 That is all.


not-so-fine print:  In this contest, I am the sole judge and jury, and reserve the right to revoke my contest at any time for any reason, even if a solution has been discovered.  And remember, I only said I MAY offer a reward.