Sharing Files with Samba the Easy Way


Yeah, I hear you talking but I don’t believe a word. “You say you’re gonna keep it simple.” “You say you’re gonna stick to just having one Linux machine to play around with and you’re not gonna need to think too much about networking.” Well, let me tell you that it just doesn’t work that way at all.

You see, there is one dirty little secret that long time Linux users know but keep to themselves. Something no one tells newbies. But I will. So here it is: Linux is highly addictive, and having one Linux machine is like eating just one potato chip. You can’t do it, I tell you! Second hand computers are cheap and Linux is a free download, so there’s nothing stopping you form finding yourself with a house full of happy Linux boxes, all humming away. There’s always another reason to add one more machine… Just wait, you’ll see. (Read the rest)