What is a sticky Bit and how to set it in Linux?


Today we will see how to set Sticky Bit in Linux. This is next to SGID in our ongoing File and Folder permissions series in Linux. We already discussed about CHMODUMASKCHOWN,CHGRPSGID and SUID file and folder permissions etc in our previous posts. In this post we will see

  • What is Sticky Bit?
  • Why we require Sticky Bit?
  • Where we are going to implement Sticky Bit?
  • How to implement Sticky Bit in Linux?

What is Sticky Bit?

Sticky Bit is mainly used on folders in order to avoid deletion of a folder and its content by other users though they having write permissions on the folder contents. If Sticky bit is enabled on a folder, the folder contents are deleted by only owner who created them and the root user. No one else can delete other users data in this folder(Where sticky bit is set). This is a security measure to avoid deletion of critical folders and their content(sub-folders and files), though other users have full permissions

Read Full Post: http://www.linuxnix.com/sticky-bit-set-linux/