Anti-X & Zorin 9


Anti-X 14.2 is a pretty good distro, have been setting it my specifications.

When you install a new browser, iceweasel does not work. Then you have no access to setting up a printer. Anti-X is great for using g-parted and also unetbootin to make usb sticks and it is fairly quick. This distro is easy to install and run for a beginner or someone who is new to Linux

Zorin 9 is easy to set up and seems to run fairly smooth, that is what I’m using now. It’s stable with no glitches that I can find, so I reccomend this desktop over ubuntu or other desktops I have used. That said I have been using Linux for about six months, so guess I would be what you call a “NEWBIE” to the system, but it sure beats the heck out of paying Microsoft high dollar for a system that need upgraded every couple years that has become confusing to customers.
