First post


This is the first post in this blog, to get things going. I will try to post as often as i can. I mainly post at my external blog but i will try to post the same things here so that users can follow my writings here instead of at my blog.

I am a Debian user and a C developer. I am using software like VIM/GVIM, Subversion, Geany, Anjuta, and others to do my work etc. This is what i will blog about when i have the time.

Favorite subjects would be C, NCurses, GTK+, Subversion, administration of Linux systems (Debian) and a few other things. I am also a science geek which i write about in my external blog. This i wont blog about here but i mention it because it will take a lot of my time and it will make it difficult for me to post reguarly about linux and programming.

I have been using Linux since 1997…