How to Deploy Hyperledger Fabric on Kubernetes – Part II


We recently hosted a webinar about deploying Hyperledger Fabric on Kubernetes. It was taught by Alejandro (Sasha) Vicente Grabovetsky and Nicola Paoli from AID:Tech.

The webinar contained a detailed, step-by-step instruction showing exactly how to deploy Hyperledger Fabric on Kubernetes. For those who prefer reading to watching, we have prepared a condensed transcript with screenshots that will take you through the process that has been adapted to recent updates in the Helm charts for the Orderers and Peers.

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

What we will build

  • Fabric CA

First, we will deploy a Fabric Certificate Authority (CA) serviced by a PostgreSQL database for managing identities.

  • Fabric Orderer

Then, we will deploy an ordering service of several Fabric ordering nodes communicating and establishing consensus over an Apache Kafka cluster. The Fabric Ordering service provides consensus for development (solo) and production (Kafka) networks.

  • Fabric Peer

Finally, we will deploy several Peers and connect them with a channel. We will bind them to a CouchDB database.

Read more at Hyperledger