QuickLicenseRT Linux Can Protect and License Desktop Software


Excel Software announced QuickLicenseRT Linux for desktop software. QuickLicenseRT Linux implements the full QuickLicense runtime system for protection, activation and license management. A company can protect software from piracy and increase revenue by supporting a wide range of license types, activation processes and advanced licensing features.

During development, QuickLicenseRT Linux is used in conjunction with QuickLicense running on a Mac OS X or Windows computer. The developer configures all aspects of the software license with QuickLicense and builds a tiny encrypted Ticket file. That Ticket file is bound to a Linux desktop application with a few lines of programming code that sends commands to the QuickLicenseRT executable.

Linux programmers enjoy a quick, integrated solution for almost any software protection, activation or licensing requirement. The runtime allows one software build to support Trial, Product, Subscription, Floating, Try/Buy or Educational licenses. The activation process for protected software allows manual activation without Internet access, semi-automated activation through a web browser or fully automated activation through an online activation server.

While one license command is sufficient for many applications, the runtime library supports dozens of command strings to access all licensing features available in the QuickLicense system. Runtime commands include license release, restore, reset, suspend, remote enabling of features, field read and write, plus data send and receive through the activation server.

Without writing any software, a developer can configure language specific interfaces for any human language. A configurable License Options panel allows protected software to be securely moved between computers, features to be remotely enabled or time and execution expired licenses to be extended.

QuickLicenseRT Linux is part of the suite of Excel Software protection and licensing solutions for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, Android, Mobile or Web software. Computer unique Activation or Subscription Codes for protected Linux applications can be generated with QuickLicense or LicenseSupport. Custom online activation can be automated with Serial Numbers using the Safe Activation service or the self-hosted WebActivation or Desktop License Server products running on a vendor website.

QuickLicenseRT Linux supports all major Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Fedora and CentOS on an x86 computer architecture. A Single User License at $395 includes royalty-free runtime distribution rights for any number of protected products or licenses. The package includes a User Guide and the SendMessage test application to try all license types and commands without any programming. Contact Excel Software for a Demo edition or free access to an extensive video library on topics related to software protection, license management and automated order processing for any type of digitial product.

Excel Software
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