Phippy + Cloud Native Friends Make CNCF Their Home


In 2016, Deis (now part of Microsoft) platform architect Matt Butcher was looking for a way to explain Kubernetes to technical and non-technical people alike. Inspired by his daughter’s prolific stuffed animal collection, he came up with the idea of “The Children’s Illustrated Guide to Kubernetes.” Thus Phippy, the yellow giraffe and PHP application, along with her friends, were born.

Today, live from the keynote stage at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America, Matt and co-author Karen Chu announced Microsoft’s donation and presented the official sequel to the Children’s Illustrated Guide to Kubernetes in their live reading of “Phippy Goes to the Zoo: A Kubernetes Story” – the tale of Phippy and her niece as they take an educational trip to the Kubernetes Zoo.

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