Last Chance to Speak at Hyperledger Global Forum | Deadline is This Friday


Hyperledger Global Forum is the premier event showcasing the real uses of distributed ledger technologies for businesses and how these innovative technologies run live in production networks today. Hyperledger Global Forum unites the industry’s most respected thought leaders, domain experts, and key maintainers behind popular frameworks and tools like Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth, Indy, Iroha, Composer, Explorer, and more.

The Hyperledger Global Forum agenda will include both technical and enterprise tracks on everything from Distributed Ledger Technologies to Smart Contracts 101; roadmaps for Hyperledger projects; cross-industry keynotes and panels on use-cases in development, and much more. Hyperledger Global Forum will also facilitate social networking for the community to bond.

Learn more about submitting a proposal, review suggested technical and business topics, and see sample submissions. The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, July 13, so apply today!

Submit Now >>

Not submitting a session, but plan to attend? Register now and save before ticket prices increase on September 30.

This article originally appeared at Hyperledger