Nokia’s Linux Strategy Broadens with Upcoming Maemo 5 device

Article Source Ars Technica
August 12, 2009, 7:00 pm

Nokia first unveiled its vision for a next-generation Internet Tablet device when it announced plans for Maemo 5—a new version of the Linux-based tablet operating system—at the Open Source in Mobile event last year in Berlin. Early plans indicated that the OS would be paired with a device that would include 3G connectivity and an OMAP3 processor. Ever since that announcement, mobile Linux enthusiasts have eagerly anticipated the arrival of an actual Maemo 5 device.

A Nokia product codenamed RX-51 recently cleared FCC approval and has now appeared in leaked photos that made their way onto the Internet; it appears to be the long-awaited Maemo 5 product. The source code of Maemo 5 provided some early clues about the RX-51 last year. Maemo fans have been poring through it and documenting various technical details that provide insight into the hardware.